NWU Auxilium Fund provides a helping hand

Oldrin Masowa

Thanks to the Auxilium Fund on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Potchefstroom Campus, struggling National Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) -funded students receive food parcels to help them through difficult times.

The fund, which was initially created to raise money for underprivileged students, has been helping students for the past five years with food parcels after it became clear that they could often not afford to buy their own food.

NSFAS provides each student with R1 600 per month, but students often send half of this money home to help their families survive, which leaves them without food.

Zac Lipschitz, treasurer of the Potchefstroom Student Campus Council, says these food parcels are therefore a necessity.

“We hope to make this fundraising initiative an annual process, so that we can continue helping students in need,” he adds.

From 1 to 3 August 2022, the NWU Auxilium Fund will be hosting a hunger awareness event, focussing on the challenges some students face daily. This event will help to raise money which will go to the Auxilium Fund to continue helping more students.

Students who want to apply for food parcels can send an email with their name, surname and student number to NWUAuxilium@gmail.com

Students can also visit the Auxilium Fund office in the Student Centre on the Potchefstroom Campus. The office is open from 12:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.


Zac Lipschitz, treasurer of the Potchefstroom Student Campus Council.


Submitted on Mon, 06/13/2022 - 12:30