NWU appoints new deputy vice-chancellor for research and innovation

The NWU Council appointed a new deputy vice-chancellor for research and innovation during its extraordinary meeting on 17 August. Prof Nancy (Refilwe) Phaswana-Mafuya will serve in this position from October for a term of five years.

Prof Refilwe has 12 years’ extensive knowledge and experience in various areas of research and senior management, including supply chain, financial and diversity management, research management systems, gender sensitivity and handling racism, as well as all aspects of epidemiology.
She holds a BA and an MA in social work, as well as a PhD in research from the former University of the North (now the University of Limpopo). In addition, she has a postgraduate diploma in epidemiology and an MSc in epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Until now, Prof Refilwe has been the acting executive director for the HIV/Aids/STI/TB (HAST) research programme at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), as well as editor-in-chief and executive editor of the Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance Journal (SAHARA J). This is an HSRC international open-access journal disseminating vital research on social factors relating to HIV/Aids.
Prior to this, she held the following positions at the HSRC: Research director of the HAST research programme, research director of the Social Aspects of HIV/Aids (SAHA) research programme, and chief research manager and acting research director of SAHA and Health. She also served as head of the research unit at the Border Technikon, managing director of Limakhozu, a development agency, and lecturer at the former University of the North.
Prof Refilwe has received various awards and nominations, including the prestigious 2016/17 TW Kambule National Science and Technology Forum (NSTF) award in recognition of her contribution to research and its outputs for a period of up to 15 years after completing a PhD.

She has published 89 articles in peer-reviewed journals, written 12 book chapters and communicated and disseminated research findings through various conference, workshop and seminar presentations, as well as media articles and interviews. She holds various memberships and fellowships and is an NRF-rated academic with a C2 rating.
The Council congratulated her on her appointment and expressed full confidence in her ability to take research and innovation at the NWU to even greater heights.

Prof Nancy (Refilwe) Phaswana-Mafuya is the NWU's new deputy vice-chancellor for research and innovation.

Submitted on Mon, 08/28/2017 - 12:44