NWU academic selected to the Global Young Academy

Phenyo Mokgothu

North-West University (NWU) academic from the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Centre, Prof Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu, has been selected to the Global Young Academy (GYA) from June 2022 until May 2027.

Selection for the GYA is highly competitive, as this prestigious international academy only consists of 200 members. As each member is appointed for a five-year term, only 30 to 40 positions become available each year.

With its worldwide network and highly trained membership, the GYA has been called “the best bet on the global scientific leadership over the next 10 years”. As a member, Prof Aremu will have the opportunity to engage in new research collaborations, to develop further leadership and communication skills, to learn about diverse cultures, and to contribute to the work of the GYA.

“I am truly humbled and honoured to be selected as a GYA member. I am excited that GYA has provided an international platform to share my passion and ideas with like-minded early and mid-career scientists who will be working closely with governments and policy/decision makers to provide evidence-based advice for governance,” says Prof Aremu.

“Personally, I will be expanding my network and international visibility with the goal of generating evidence-based science, that focuses on the need to document, protect, preserve and promote our indigenous knowledge and associated natural resources for an all-inclusive health and economic benefits.”

More about the GYA

The GYA’s mission is to give a voice to young scientists around the world. The prestigious international academy develops, connects and mobilises young talent from six continents, and empowers young researchers to lead international, interdisciplinary and intergenerational dialogue.

Membership comprises passionate young scientists, typically three to 10 years after their PhD, between 30 and 40 years of age, and in the early stages of their independent academic careers. Members are selected for their scientific excellence and commitment to engage with society. Each application is evaluated by at least three Selection Committee members in two successive rounds of reviews, and is scored, first and foremost, based on the excellence of their scientific research, as well as on their demonstrated societal engagement. 

After serving a five-year term, members become alumni, and as of 2021 the GYA has an engaged body of 327 alumni. Together, members and alumni represent 94 countries.


Prof Adeyemi Oladapo Aremu has been selected to the Global Young Academy

Submitted on Thu, 04/07/2022 - 10:03