NWU academic is the new SAAPAM executive director

John Molepo, a lecturer at the School of Government Studies at the North-West University (NWU), was recently appointed as the national executive director of the South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM).

SAAPAM is a national association that encourages and promotes good governance and effective service delivery through the advancement of professionalism, scholarship and practice in public administration and management.

“It is a privilege and a great honour to be announced as the executive director,” says John. “I look forward to all the challenges and opportunities that will come with the position.”

John joined the association in 2009 as an administrator, and over the years he has moved up in the ranks before being appointed as an executive director.

His new duties include managing the members of the association, the day-to-day operation of the association, raising funds for SAAPAM, and organising conferences and seminars.

“SAAPAM publishes the Journal of Public Administration – one of the top five journals in South Africa – and I am also responsible for ensuring that all the relevant articles that need to be published are included in the journal,” he adds.

When asked about what he plans to implement during his time as executive director, he says he wants to ensure that the association continues to grow, encourage more students and practitioners to participate in the association’s activities and also to assist them with attaining internships. “SAAPAM has a large number of members who are academics, and during my term I would also like to see the association publish academic books,” he adds.

John, who has been with the NWU for a year, says his appointment as executive director will create great community engagement opportunities for the university. He adds that he is also working towards hosting workshops, lectures and seminars that will benefit the university’s postgraduate students and staff members.

John is not only an academic, but also a youth activist. On an annual basis he raises university registration funds for underprivileged students through his #ThusaNgwanaGeno campaign. “Earlier this year I put on in my graduation gown and stood at a busy intersection in Pretoria asking people to donate towards the cause. This year alone I was able to raise about R300 000 for disadvantaged students,” concludes John. 

 John Molepo

Submitted on Mon, 10/01/2018 - 09:54