The North-West University’s (NWU’s) Campus in Mahikeng recorded a surge in doctoral degree graduates during its recent autumn graduation ceremony. Thirty-nine doctoral degrees out of a total of 2 233 degrees across all faculties were conferred, with 11 of these being university staff members.
In addition, the campus also conferred 77 master’s degrees, 219 honours degrees, 1 435 bachelor’s degrees, 36 postgraduate diplomas, 124 postgraduate certificates and 305 diplomas.
In her address during the second session of the graduation ceremony, Prof Mashudu Davhana-Maselesele, the campus rector, said that this increase in the number of PhD graduates surpasses any other in the past years.
“This increase is indicative of the extent to which our academics will go to in order to reach outstanding achievements and of the sacrifices they make to realise the hopes and dreams of our students,” she concluded.