New wheels for Snippie

As the car sped away, the Swart family were left aghast at the aftermath of a reckless deed. Their six-year old whippet, Snippie, was the victim of an accident that left her paralysed from the waist down.

Mom Carien was as devastated by the injury suffered by their beloved Snippie as she was by the trauma that afflicted her 10-year old son Hanco. She posted a video account of the act on Facebook, hoping that the culprits would see the damage they inflicted on her family.

Whether or not the wrongdoers saw what the Facebook post is not clear, but fortunately GJ Stols, a third-year mechanical engineering student at the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Potchefstroom did see Carien’s post.

He immediately addressed the problem and designed a two-wheel carriage for Snippie’s hind legs.

“I saw the video of Snippie that was posted on Facebook and it was very traumatic to see the poor dog paralysed. I love animals and I wanted to help them, so I contacted the family, told them who I am, and offered to build Snippie’s wheels,” explains GJ.

The design took about a day and Turnmil Engineering manufactured the various parts free of charge. After about two weeks Snippie was ready to try out her new “legs”.  

“Snippie immediately started moving around and sometime later I saw how she was able to run at full speed next to Hanco riding his bike,” says GJ.

Snippie is running again and Hanco is smiling. This is all that GJ had hoped for.

“I could see the boy loves his dog very much. She is one of his best friends.”

 Snippie the whippet can run again. From left are GJ Stols, Hanco and his best friend Snippie, and mom Carien. (Potchefstroom Herald)


Submitted on Fri, 08/23/2019 - 09:36