Lifetime achievement award for NWU stalwart

With more than 42 years of experience in the academic sphere it is no surprise that Prof Susan Visser, former director of the School of Accounting Sciences, dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences and acting vice-rector for research at the North-West University (NWU), has left a lasting impression with internal and external stakeholders.

Prof Susan was awarded a lifetime achievement award from the Southern African Accounting Association (SAAA) during the SAAA/IAAER International Conference that took place from 26 to 28 June. She was acknowledged for her outstanding contribution to the accounting industry for the last four decades.

The SAAA is an association that strives to promote education and research and the interests of educators and researchers in the field of accountancy.

“I am truly honoured and humbled by this award,” says Prof Visser. “I appreciate the recognition of my efforts to train accountants and the research I have conducted over the years in the accounting sciences.”.

A long list of achievements

During her career, Prof Visser has excelled in teaching and research. She holds six qualifications from the former Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education.

She obtained her highest qualification, a DCom in management accounting and finance, in 1983. Throughout her career she has presented and co-presented 55 papers at various conferences, and published a number of articles in accredited national and international journals. She has also delivered 35 master’s and seven doctorate students.

She has received four national awards and one international award from different organisations for her contribution to teaching and learning as well as research in the accounting sciences. She has also received seven Institutional Teaching Excellence Awards (ITEA) from the NWU for her excellent teaching and lecturing skills.

One of the biggest highlights of her career was mentoring 30 newly appointed staff members and developing them into excellent lecturers and researchers, who have also received ITEA awards.

Her advice to young people is that integrity and quality, which are both extremely important within in the accounting field, should never be compromised.  “Hard work, commitment and integrity will always be rewarded, and the best way to lead is to set an example and be part of a team.”

She adds that once they have mastered their skills, they must assist and mentor others to grow and reach greater heights.

The NWU congratulates Prof Visser on her award, and is thankful for the years she dedicated to the university.

Prof Susan Visser received a lifetime achievement award from the Southern African Accounting Association. With her is Prof Jan van Romburgh, deputy director of the NWU’s School of Accounting Sciences.


Submitted on Thu, 07/11/2019 - 08:07