Lace-up for CANSA Relay for Life 2017

Since the inception of the CANSA Relay for Life movement in South Africa 12 years ago, scores of communities have mobilised in the fight against cancer. This year will see the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark play host, for the fifth consecutive year, to the regional rendition of the annual Relay for Life event.

In recent years the event saw more than 10 000 people from across the Southern Gauteng region lace-up their running shoes to take part in the relay and, all indications are that 2017 will again see a record number of people uniting to form relay teams. The relay will take place on 2 and 3 September 2017 and the theme is: ‘The ultimate carnival experience’. Participants are encouraged to use the hashtag, #CANSARelayForLife, during the event.

Celebrate! Remember! Fight back!

The declaration: “Celebrate! Remember! Fight back!” serves as a guiding compass for the annual event where the community will come together to celebrate those who have survived cancer; to remember those who have been lost to cancer; and to keep fighting against the disease until a cure is found.

CANSA Relay for Life is part of a global movement that unites cancer survivors and the communities that care about them with each other. It offers everyone in a set community – both young and old, the opportunity to participate in the fight against cancer and to honour those who have been touched by the illness. In short: it represents a unique event that offers communities hope, that all of those lost cancer will never be forgotten; that those who are fighting cancer will be supported, and that one day cancer will be eradicated.

NWU Vanderbijlpark CANSA Relay for Life

The event opens with an emotional Survivor Lap, honouring cancer survivors and their caregivers. After sunset, tribute is paid in a very moving Luminaria Ceremony by lighting candles inside luminaria bags that encircle the track. These luminaria bags are dedicated to those who have lost their battle, to those who are still fighting, and to those who have won their struggle against cancer.

The event boasts with an impressive entertainment line-up.

Anyone is welcome to come and join in the Relay, even if they are not part of a team. Tickets will be sold at the gate. Gates will open at 15:00. For more information contact the organising team:

CANSA Relay in South Africa

Relay for Life has taken South Africa by storm and in the past year more than 100 communities participated in Relay for Life events across South Africa. The event – which takes the form of an overnight team event, is volunteer driven and community owned.

Relay for Life teams (consisting of 10 to 15 members) each take a turn to walk or run around a track for 12 to 24 hours. The goal is to keep one team member on the track at all times, as cancer never sleeps. Participants enjoy camping out, entertainment, good food, games and community camaraderie.

Submitted on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 10:55