The key to success is education

The North-West University (NWU) fully understands that the key to success is education, and over the years its supplementary teaching programme, Ikateleng, has afforded thousands of learners the opportunity to succeed.

This year, the university and Northam Platinum Mine are helping even more learners to reach their goals through the Northam Supplementary Teaching Programme, which forms part of the mine’s community outreach initiative. The NWU was awarded a three-year teaching tender to help improve the academic results of learners in the Brits area.

More than 500 Grade 11 and 12 learners are thus far being assisted in mathematics, accounting, physical sciences, business studies, economics and English first additional language.

 “With the nine sessions offered at the Bothlabelo, Tsogo, Malatse, Motsepe and Mothotlung secondary schools, we hope to see a major improvement in learners’ results,” says Celeste Rossouw, senior stakeholder relations specialist.

“In addition to supplementary teaching, the NWU is also assisting Grade 9 learners with subject selections and bursary and application information. On Northam’s request, the university will also offer an Upliftment Programme in 2022 to empower educators in critical subjects,” she adds.

Celeste says this partnership with Northam has helped strengthen the NWU’s relationship with the North West province Department of Education and the schools around Brits.

“As part of our social responsiveness and development plan we believe that investing in the education of learners in local communities will not only help the communities, but also the mining industry and country at large, especially since more mining skills are needed,” says Jacques Pretorius, general manager of Eland Platinum Mine.

“Uplifting the performance of Grade 11 and 12 learners will also assist in building a pool of potential candidates for skills development programmes such as learnerships, internships, and bursaries, which will enable them to enter relevant industries or sectors and fill scarce and critical skill positions.”


Submitted on Thu, 10/14/2021 - 09:40