Idea generation: an entrepreneur’s first step towards success

Are you dreaming of starting your own business venture? Do you have an idea which you think has business potential? If so, the Idea Generation Workshop – hosted by the bhive Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) on the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark – will suit you like a glove.

Ask any vested entrepreneur and he/she will tell you that their journey of becoming successful business owners started out with a single idea. This idea might come to you while you are busy grocery shopping, preparing dinner, and driving in your car or even when you are socialising with friends. Fact of the matter is that many future entrepreneurs are walking around with brilliant business ideas but are unaware of how they should proceed in realising these ideas. The bhive EDC – through the Idea Generation Workshop – aims to assist entrepreneurs in taking their first steps towards future success.

According to Mr Johann Landsberg, manager of the bhive EDC, start-up entrepreneurs might find it daunting to get their ideas off the ground. “By means of the upcoming workshop the participants will be assisted in refining their business visions. This is done by asking questions, interacting with other likeminded business orientated individuals and through building networks,” explains Landsberg. During the interactive workshop the following questions will be put to participants: Do you think your business idea has potential? Would you buy this product and at what price? What other players occupy the market you want to pursue? Where will you find your customers?

“It is important for start-up entrepreneurs to know that once they have an idea it is not wise to drop everything and jump on it, they should think rationally about their new venture and test the idea in a safe environment without going all in right away,” says Landsberg and adds that the same applies to vested entrepreneurs who would like to introduce new services or products to the market. “The bhive EDC offers such a safe place from where entrepreneurs can put their ideas to the test without the risk of exorbitant financial expenditure but at the same time benefitting from the practical advice of knowledgeable and experienced business experts.”

The workshop will take place on 5 July 2017 at the bhive EDC Incubator (Building 3), on the campus in Vanderbijlpark. Seats for this interactive workshop is limited, so it is essential to book your seat early. The workshop amounts to R100 per person. For more information and to book your seat, contact the bhive EDC on 016 910 3393 or send an email to



Submitted on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 14:49