"Hang a Hug" in the spirit of Nelson Mandela

In anticipation of Mandela Day, the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Vanderbijlpark Campus recently launched a "Hang a Hug" drive.

The idea is to encourage staff and students to donate jackets and blankets and hanging them on designated trees around the campus for those in need to use during the cold winter months.

Launched by the Student Campus Council (SCC) and Prof Linda du Plessis, deputy vice-chancellor for planning and Vanderbijlpark Campus operations, the idea was inspired by an initiative called “Baadjies aan bome”, which translates to "Jackets on trees".

“Baadjies aan bome” has gained momentum in recent years, with more and more individuals and organisations getting involved in different towns. After learning about the initiative, Prof du Plessis spread the word to the campus community.

"I called the movement's founder and asked her if we could latch on to the idea and make it our own. She was delighted and gave us the go-ahead. The idea really inspired our students, and they came up with the name "Hang a Hug"," says Prof du Plessis.

The student leaders, led by SCC chairperson Hlakaniphile Mdladla, also compiled a motivational video that is being shared on social media to inspire others to make a difference.

"We want to provide warmth and comfort to those in need during the cold winter. By hanging a jacket or a blanket on designated trees around campus, we can all make a difference in the lives of others and show that we care. Let's all do our part and make this initiative a success," adds Prof du Plessis.

Heeding the call, staff from the Faculty of Education and the SCC came together to contribute towards this worthy cause, and more than 50 jackets have already been collected.

"It's heart-warming to see so many people showing their generosity and compassion for others. Thank you to everyone who are participating in this initiative,” says Dr Elize Küng, deputy dean for community engagement and stakeholder relations in the Faculty of Education, calling other faculties to also join in.

Aiming to collect more than 500 jackets, “Hang a Hug” will run until 18 July – Nelson Mandela Day – whereafter the jackets and blankets will be donated to charity.

Students and staff are free to hang their jackets and/or blankets at any time. SCC members will collect them daily at 16:00.

Hang a hug drive

 Prof Linda du Plessis, deputy vice-chancellor for planning and Vanderbijlpark Campus operations, Dr Sean McCallaghan, director for student life, and members of the Student Campus Council pose in front of the steel Akasia tree in front of the library, draped with donated jackets.

Submitted on Thu, 06/22/2023 - 08:54