GeeXpo 2018: bigger and better!

Whoever says that mathematics and information sciences can’t be fun, has surely never taken part in the North-West University’s (NWU’s) annual GeeXpo initiative!

On Saturday, 13 October 2018, the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences on the NWU’s campus in Vanderbijlpark will once again roll-out the red carpet for learners from Grade 7 to 12 to experience, up-close and personal, how mathematics and technology can open a world of professional opportunities.

This year marks the sixth rendition of the initiative and the campus will once again play host to inquisitive learners and education professionals from across central South Africa.

During GeeXpo, learners from as young as Grade 7 are invited to take part in several mathematics and information sciences related activities, such as a PAT (Practical Assessment Task) Competition, a Mathematics Olympiad, a Robotics Challenge, NWU Vanderbijlpark Student Challenge and interactive presentations by the Serious Games Institute of South Africa (SGI-SA) and Robotics. These units represent two very dynamic hubs in which mathematics and technology are applied innovatively to create and expand the way we look at the future.

According to JT Terblanche, a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information Systems and the coordinator of the event, the importance of mathematics and science cannot be stressed enough, since these subjects are compulsory if students wish to undertake further studies in a number of fields that are very important to the economy and the further development of the country. These sectors include engineering, natural sciences, information technology and medicine.

“We believe that we are the preferred choice when it comes to scarce skills development such as mathematics and information sciences,” says JT and explains that apart from showcasing the different applications of mathematics and computer science within a university context, learners also stand the chance to win full study bursaries during the event.

Register today!

Schools are invited to register as many learners for GeeXpo as they see fit. Please note that the PAT Competition is for learners who are in Grade 10-12, whilst the Mathematics Olympiad is open for any learner from Grade 8-12. For more information please send an email to  or contact JT on 016 910 3259.  Note that participation in GeeXpo is free of charge. 

During GeeXpo learners can take part in various interactive workshops.

Submitted on Tue, 07/24/2018 - 09:26