Flipping the Switch

Over the last few years it has become increasingly evident that interruptions in electricity supply will become part of the South African lifestyle. The North-West University (NWU) has therefore embarked on a journey that will positively contribute towards the sustainability of electricity supply, energy efficiency and the environment.

The university recently launched the “Flip the Switch” awareness campaign as part of the NWU Energy strategy. This project aims to educate students and staff on how they could reduce their global energy consumption footprint for a sustainable future.

The campaign’s trial phase is currently in progress and will guide the NWU to use electricity wisely.

Through the campaign the NWU will strive to create energy conservation awareness among all students, followed by awareness initiatives to help staff  establish green lifestyles without compromising life quality.

Another part of the project will entail an energy awareness competition between various residences as well as administrative and faculty buildings, with monthly incentives for the most energy efficient hostel or building.

According to Hendrik Esterhuizen, director for engineering compliance, this is a method to encourage active involvement and  to create an energy conscious NWU community. “We need informed students and staff who understand the energy crisis and sustainability issues, people who will take the lead in the community to establish an energy saving way of life.”

Not only does the NWU look forward to the positive impact this campaign will have on its energy conservation goals, but also to the impact it will have on creating a sustainable future for local communities and the environment of South Africa.

Read more about the “Flip the Switch” campaign

Submitted on Fri, 03/15/2019 - 09:18