Two Potchefstroom secondary schools are reaping the benefits of an initiative of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) Faculty of Theology aimed at improving study methods and motivating learners.
According to Prof Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks, project leader, there has been a definite improvement in the pass rates of Grade 12 learners at Promosa Secondary School and Potchefstroom Secondary School.
"It is important that we provide support and motivation to Grade 12 learners so that they can enhance their results and qualify for university admission. This will enable them to pursue qualifications and to make a positive impact in society," says Prof Freeks.
The project, which commenced in 2020, provides comprehensive support to learners in Grades 10 to 12, including guidance, effective study methods, motivational resources and the development of resilience, among others.
Key themes addressed are time management and the identification of time stealers, effective communication, and the reinforcement of core values such as discipline, respect, courage and the pursuit of a purpose-driven life.
Pass rates at Promosa Secondary School have increased from 47% in 2020 to 73% in 2023. At Potchefstroom Secondary School, the matric pass rate in 2023 was 78,6% compared to 74% in 2021. Prof Freeks attributes these positive results to the application of effective study methods, coupled with motivation, encouragement, inspiration and a sense of courage among the learners.

Prof Fazel Freeks with the learners of Promosa Secondary School.

Prof Fazel Freeks with Potchefstroom Secondary School learners.