An Internationally-recognised scientist and visionary with extensive industrial and academic decision-makingexperience in the area of hydrogen and electro-catalytic membrane systems for energy applications and fuel cells.
Over twenty years of progressively increasing responsibility in academic and industrial R&D environment.Leadership and managerial roles in the hydrogen energy sector. Strategic and creative thinker and R&D Director
with a proven ability to identify problems, propose and implement solutions, lead and manage teams. Passionate about PEM fuel cells, electrolysers, membranes, MEAs and catalyst layers structures. Maintains active collaborative relationships internationally. Brings top-notch competitive international technical and managerial
industrial experience back to South Africa to beneficiate its PGM resourse base, implement National Flagship HySAProgram and build local human capital capacity under HySA. NRF rated (“C”) scientist.
Current responsibilities include: Leadership in the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Programme (HySA). Providingexcellence in management, research and product development. HySA Infrastructure Business Plan development
and implementation. Supply-chain and business development, engagement of industry into developmentactivities. USD 2,5 mln plus annual budget responsibility and accountability.
HySA Infrastructure Center of Competence 3-years rolling business plan:
Establish technology platforms for PEM electrolyser development, related characterisation tools, electrochemicalhydrogen compression (EHC) and separation, hydrogen storage and hydrogen production using renewables.
Negotiation with South African mining and energy industry to obtain co-funding.
Recent (2015) books:
"PEM Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production: Principles and Applications", by
Dmitri Bessarabov, Haijiang Wang, Hui Li, Nana Zhao
2015, CRC Press, Reference - 480 Pages, ISBN 9781482252293
North-West University, HySA Infrastructure, Private
Bag X6001, Potchefstroom, South Africa, 2520