I have almost 20 years of experience spanning electronic engineering, software development and education in the South African context where I have worked for a variety of companies, from research institutions to startups and corporate software giants to my current position as lecturer at the North-West University. I serve as the subject chair for computer science and information systems on the Vaal Triangle campus and I lead a research sub program in the Optentia research unit on technology, capability and functioning. The bulk of my research has been in the realms of engineering education, serious games and gamification. In my MTech research I focussed on test fixtures for high volume manufacturing and developed a reliability based model for the selection of test probe receptacles and in my PhD I focussed on capstone project modules in engineering education and how they can be enriched through gameful design with a focus on self-determination theory. I have knowledge of software development, product development, serious games, artificial intelligence, engineering education and electronics.
Office G39, Building 8
North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus
1 Hendrick van Eck Blvd