Associate Professor
Associate professor in Sociology

Jacques Rothmann
Jacques Rothmann is an associate professor in Sociology at the North-West University, Potchefstroom campus. His key research interests include gender and sexuality studies, with a particular focus on masculinity and gay studies. He has published on a number of gender and sexuality foci including gay masculinity and sexual identity in higher education. He established and convened the Lesbian, Gay and Queer Studies working group for the South African Sociological Association (SASA) and currently serves as chairperson for the Faculty of Humanities’ Human and Social Science Research Ethics Committee (HSSREC) and Basic and Social Science Research Ethics Committee.
Physical Address
Potchefstroom, Building F13, 116
Telephone Number
018 299 1595
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Other Media
- Rothmann, J. 2011: “South African gay fathers' parenting practices: from pathology to 'normalisation'”. Acta Academica, 43(1):39-78.
- Rothmann, J. 2012: “Sociology as bridge over troubled waters: Establishing a link between the principles of lesbian and gay studies and queer theory”. The South African Review of Sociology, 43(1):41-61.
- Rothmann, J. 2013: “‘Doing’ and ‘using’ sexual orientation: The role of gay male pornographic film in the identity construction of gay men”. The South African Review of Sociology, 43(3):21-41.
- Rothmann, J. 2013. “‘Send in the (gay) clowns’: Will & Grace and Modern Family as ‘sensibly queer’”. Acta Academica, 45(4):40-83.
- Rothmann, J. and Simmonds, S. 2015. “‘Othering’ non-normative sexualities through the objectification of “the homosexual”: Discursive discrimination by pre-service teachers”. Agenda, 1-11.
- De Wet, A., Rothmann, J. and Simmonds, S. 2016. “Human rights: Protecting sexual minorities or reinforcing the boundaries of ‘the closet”. South African Review of Sociology, 47(3):85-10.
- Rothmann, J. 2016. “The (De)Professionalisation of the gay male academic identity: Locking the closet door in South African tertiary education”. The South African Review of Sociology, 47(4):40-59.
- Rothmann, J. and Smit, R. (Guest editors) 2016. “Editorial”. The South African Review of Sociology, 47(3):1-7.
- Rothmann, J. 2017. Book Review of Queering Families of Origin. Gender Questions, 4(1):1-4.
- Rothmann, J. 2017. “The role of self-reflexivity on the part of gay male academics on South African University campuses”. Acta Academica, 49(1):1-31.
- Rothmann, J. 2017. Book Review of Troubling the Teaching and Learning of Gender and Sexuality Diversity Education in South African Schools. Jounal of LGBT Youth, 15(1):73-76.
- Rothmann, J. 2018. “‘To gay or not to gay, that’s the question’: Exploring the permeability between heterosexualization and homosexualization of public and private spaces of South African gay male academics and students”. Gender Questions, 6:1-24.
- Du Plessis, A., Rothmann, J. and Botha, D. 2018. “A case of re-/de-traditionalisation of emphasised femininity? The potential influence of the spill-over model on white female academics in leadership positions”. The South African Review of Sociology, 49(2):61-85.
- Rothmann, J. 2018. “A social constructionist approach to resilience for LGBTIQ+ academics and students in South African universities”. Transformation in Higher Education, 30(0):1-8.
- Tshilongo, T. and Rothmann, J. 2019. “A Sociological exploration of the need for safe spaces for lesbian and gay students on a South African University Campus”. Transformation in Higher Education, 40(0):1-12.
- Rothmann, J. 2020. “Sexualities and sexual orientations”. (In Sociology: A Comprehensive South African Introduction, Paul Stewart & Johan Zaaiman (eds.). (pp. 181-205). Cape Town: Juta Publications.