After obtaining my bachelors in Sport Science in Nice (France), specialising in physical conditioning and coaching, I had the opportunity to do my Honours degree in Pennsylvania (United States of America). Developing a keen interest for human movement science I started my research activities during my Master’s degree focusing on biomechanics and motor control of gait. I specifically analysed the gait of patients with Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD). I pursued my interest in research by doing a PhD at the Laboratory of Physiology and Biomechanics of Locomotion in Belgium. My PhD Thesis entitled: “The effect of gravity on the motor control of landing” was financed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and Prodex (Belgian Scientific Politics) in order to perform experiments during parabolic flights aboard an A300 ZERO-G in Bordeaux (France). During my PhD, I learned basic mechanics and electronics to build a complex experimental set-up in collaboration with an engineer (Arsalis) and a technician. I also learn to use biomechanics equipment and to program for data analysis. The results of my PhD have been communicated under the form of three articles in highly-ranked journals and at several international and national conferences allowing me to express my writing and oral communication skills. Next to research, I have been investing time and effort in managing master theses of students and helping PhD students with their research. I have also been teaching human movement sciences for the past three years as a non-tenure track Professor at Université Côte d’Azur (Nice, France) and now as a newly appointed senior lecturer in Health Sciences at the NWU. I mainly teach exercise physiology, biomechanics and anatomy. I enjoy collaborating and working as a team and am currently co-supervising a Master student and working on multiple research projects with the Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation (PhASRec) research area at the NWU.
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