I’m Mr. B.P. Gerber, a young, dynamic academic and researcher from the North-West University in South Africa. Currently I am a Senior Lecturer and Manager of the Clinic for Kinderkinetics at the North-West University’s Potchefstroom Campus.
I started my academic journey at the University of Pretoria (UP) in 2008 where I completed my undergraduate degree in Human Movement Science (BA. HMS) in 2010 where after I completed my Honors degree in Kinderkinetics (BA. Hons. Kinderkinetics) in 2011 at the North-West University (NWU) as well as my Masters degree (MA. Kinderkinetics) in 2014 and PhD (Human Movement Science) in 2018. My focus area is growth and maturation and motor development of children and adolescent. I work on a daily basis on a practical level with children aged 0-13 year, also training students on the development of children. Therefore my work environment, breaches the link between research and practical implementation. Publications currently: 7 peer-reviewed 3 national/ 4 international.
Potchefstroom Campus, Building K3, Ground floor, G13
ORCHID - 0000-0002-8006-8552 Research Gate - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barry-Gerber
Google Scholar - https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=nl&user=X_x5Wk4AAAAJ&view_op=li…