Enactus Vaal elects new management team

The team of Enactus Vaal is ready to make 2018 one of this student body’s most memorable years to date. Not only has a new management team been elected, but the members also underwent intensive training in preparation for their term of office.

Enactus – which is an abbreviation for: “ENtrepreneurial ACTion creates a better world for US all”, is an international non-profit organisation that brings together students, academics and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for all people. 

On the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark, Enactus resides within the bhive Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) and functions as an affiliated student society. The campus has been a member of the global Enactus movement since 2014 and each year the students involved in the programme do not disappoint.

New management team

After a nomination and rigorous interviewing process, the following students have been appointed as members of the 2018 management team:












Team Secretary



Deputy President



Project Coordinator



Human Resource Manager


The team, accompanied by Mr Johann Landsberg (Manager: bhive EDC), recently underwent training in Johannesburg to prepare them for their term of office. The two-day training course was designed to help the team understand how Enactus functions, what administrative tasks are required and how they should go about selecting possible projects for the year ahead. Training topics included: best practices, project management, audit processes, sustainable community engagement, social media, fundraising strategies and mandatory reporting.

Training was also conducted making use of a business simulator programme. This programme is designed to help Enactus teams understand business processes and the impact of decision making on business profits.

Enactus in a nutshell

Enactus provides university students with the opportunity to transform themselves into business leaders of note. Through affiliation to the movement, students learn how to practically enable progress through entrepreneurial action and community involvement. The latter takes the form of several educational outreach projects throughout the year. An annual series of regional and national competitions provide a platform for teams to showcase the impact of their outreach projects to be evaluated by executives serving as judges. National champion teams advance to the prestigious Enactus World Cup to represent their country.

Currently Enactus South Africa consists of 2 868 members, 94 projects and a total of 201 023 (and counting) hours of volunteer work have been done so far. As a non-profit organisation Enactus believes that a better world begins with taking responsibility and developing leaders who are socially conscious individuals who have the ability and the willingness to meaningfully contribute to their communities. The main denominator between the active participants – be it students, academics or business leaders – is that they are all committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need.

The team of Enactus Vaal is ready to make 2018 one of this student body’s most memorable years to date.







Submitted on Fri, 10/13/2017 - 12:35