Empowering employees to create a safe and conducive environment

The North-West University’s (NWU's) Safety, Health and Environment department recently organised a comprehensive two-day training workshop to enhance workplace safety and promote a culture of health and wellbeing.

The workshop’s aim was to equip permanent employees with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to qualify as safety, health and environment representatives (SHE reps).

According to safety coordinator Abea Motaung the training covered various aspects of the role and responsibilities of a SHE rep.

“One crucial task is to promptly report any incidents related to occupational health and safety on behalf of both the employee and the employer.

“These trained representatives will conduct monthly inspections to identify and report on hazardous materials, unsafe acts or conditions, excessive noise levels, cleanliness of facilities, the safety of machinery and electrical equipment, fire safety and use of appropriate signage, as well as waste removal and housekeeping concerns.”

Abea says it is very important that each building has a SHE rep, as they play a vital role in upholding workplace safety standards, actively addressing potential risks, and fostering a culture of safety among their peers.

“The NWU is committed to providing ongoing training and support to its staff to ensure a safe and secure environment. By equipping employees with the knowledge and tools necessary to address safety concerns, the NWU takes a proactive approach to safeguarding the wellbeing of its workforce,” adds Abea.


These safety, health and environment representatives are ready to take on their important tasks.

Submitted on Wed, 07/12/2023 - 10:08