Empowering change: uniting against gender-based violence

Through a collaborative effort between the North-West University (NWU) and the universities of Pretoria, Venda, and Limpopo, the Ubuntu Community Model in Nursing hosted a poignant gender-based violence (GBV) awareness event at the Mahikeng Provincial Hospital on 21 November.

The event, strategically aligned with the annual 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children campaign, aimed to draw attention to the pressing issue of GBV.

The day kicked off with a walk at 07:30, traversing from the Danville Circle to the Mahikeng Provincial Hospital. Various participants, including members of the Ubuntu Community Model in Nursing, hospital staff and community members all united in a visible stance against GBV.

The morning session featured an array of presentations and speeches from representatives of various organisations. Key among them were healthcare workers, led by Prof A van der Wath and Dr TC Masutha, who delved into screening and response protocols for GBV.

Their insights underscored the pivotal role of the healthcare system in addressing this pervasive societal issue. Messages of support resonated from the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa, the South African Police Services, the National Prosecuting Authority, and the Thuthuzela Care Centre.

As the afternoon unfolded, the event transitioned into a series of webinars, chaired by esteemed experts exploring the intricate relationship between culture and GBV and its broader impact on society.

"Addressing GBV requires a concerted effort from various sectors. Today's gathering exemplifies the power of collaboration and underscores the urgency of tackling this issue collectively. Let this be a catalyst for change," reflected one of the speakers, Prof SS Moloko-Phiri.


Various role players participated in the GBV awareness event.

Submitted on Wed, 11/22/2023 - 08:57