Embracing well-being in diverse contexts at first ever Africa Positive Psychology Conference

The North-West University (NWU) in collaboration with the University of Johannesburg (UJ) will host the very first Africa Positive Psychology Conference from 4-7 April 2018 in Potchefstroom.

The theme of this historic conference will be “Embracing well-being in diverse contexts”.

Through collaboration the two universities will aim to bring together a variety of interest groups from not only the African continent, but also from around the globe. These groups include scholars and researchers, practitioners, students and others working in the field of well-being and the enhancement of quality of life. 

Studies in positive psychology are multidisciplinary and dynamic in nature and seek to understand and promote psychosocial well-being in various life domains and diverse contexts. It furthermore aims to encourage holistic well-being, which encompasses subjective elements (thoughts, feelings and judgement of satisfaction with specific dimensions and domains), and objective elements (physical resources, employment and income, education, health, and housing) at intrapersonal, interpersonal and communal/ societal levels.

The conference will serve as a platform from where scholars and practitioners can showcase scholarship and advances in practice in Africa and the rest of the world. Diverse areas of study will be featured: from cultural and cross-cultural studies to innovative technological interventions, among others. The broad-ranging four-day schedule includes an emerging scientist programme, pre-conference workshops, keynote and invited presentations by leaders in the field, invited symposia, a meet-the-editor session, as well as a multitude of oral and poster presentations.

Being the inaugural Africa conference, the meeting will establish and launch the Africa Positive Psychology Network (APPN) and the South African Positive Psychology Association (SAPPA). These bodies will henceforth become the custodians of the promotion of science, teaching and practice of positive psychology (PP) on the African continent.

Attendees may register at http://www.appc2018.org/index.php/registration. The conference also offers opportunities for sponsorship. Interested parties may find more information at http://www.appc2018.org/index.php/sponsors/sponsorship-opportunities

Entries for abstracts are open at present and the call for abstracts may be accessed at http://www.appc2018.org/index.php/abstract/call-for-abstracts. The deadline is 15 November 2017.

Submitted on Wed, 09/20/2017 - 09:40