Deal with lifestyle diseases to avoid severe Covid-19 symptoms

“Individuals with comorbidities such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and sendentarism, are at high risk of being severely ill when contracting Covid-19,” says Prof Ushotanefe Useh, acting director of the research entity Lifestyle Diseases at the North-West University (NWU). 

Prof Useh and his team recommend that  individuals with comorbidities must have regular blood pressure and blood sugar check-ups, and make sure they get enough sleep.

“It is advisable that these individuals use their medication regularly and as prescribed, reduce their salt and sugar intake and maintain regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day,” adds Prof Useh.

He says the prevention of lifestyle disease risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity and sedentarism have been shown to enhance innate immunity. 

“These preventive measures include, among others, adequate and regular physical activity, nutritionally balanced meals that include fruit and vegetables, reducing your sugar and salt intake, and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption,” says Prof Useh.

According to Prof Useh the Lifestyle Diseases team is working closely with the Lokaleng community in Mahikeng to educate them on the dangers of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. 

“To be of assistance during the pandemic, the research entity – with the support of Prof Jeanetta du Plessis, deputy dean for research and innovation in the Faculty of Health Sciences – is also working on a collaborative approach in dealing with issues of weight reduction, reducing blood pressure and blood sugar, and creating physical exercise programmes,” says Prof Useh.


Prof Ushotenefe Useh.

Submitted on Thu, 01/28/2021 - 12:18