Investor behaviour the focus of noteworthy doctoral degree

During the recent Autumn Graduation Ceremony of the North-West University’s (NWU’s) campus in Vanderbijlpark, the degree Philosophiae Doctor in economic and management sciences was awarded to Zandri Dickason.

In her thesis “Modelling investor behaviour in the South African context”, Zandri developed a model to analyse investor behaviour more accurately. This model included elements of behavioural finance biases with existing investor risk profiles in order to more accurately predict investor behaviour. Her study concluded that behavioural finance biases can potentially influence the investment choices of investors and, the risk tolerance level of set investors.

In the appreciation of her thesis, examiners praised Zandri for making a “profound contribution” to the body of knowledge regarding investor behaviour. The promoter of the study was Prof Diana Viljoen.

More about Zandri’s academic career

Zandri Dickason (Koekemoer), born on 24 June 1987 in Vereeniging, enrolled for an undergraduate degree in economics and informatics in 2007 at the campus in Vanderbijlpark and passed the degree cum laude in 2010. In 2011 she enrolled for an honours degree in risk management and simultaneously completed modules to qualify for an honours degree in economics. Both these degrees were passed cum laude.

During 2012, Zandri started lecturing at the campus in Vanderbijlpark.

She enrolled and completed her master’s degree in risk management in 2014 and in 2016 she obtained an MBA. In January 2017 Zandri enrolled for her PhD in risk management within the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences and managed to complete her degree in October of 2017. She has already published three articles in international journals regarding investor behaviour.

Zandri Dickason and Prof Diana Viljoen


Submitted on Wed, 05/16/2018 - 12:31